Advanced ASC of Carlsbad NM

Have a medical-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Which insurances does Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center of Carlsbad, NM accept?

    We plan to partner with as many Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial plans as possible and will also offer reasonable self-pay rates. When you need a heart surgeon in Carlsbad, NM, turn to our skilled team.

  • What is the difference between having my procedure done at Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center of Carlsbad, NM vs a hospital?

    When you come to our heart surgeon in Carlsbad, NM, you're getting a more focused approach to your cardiovascular procedures provided in an environment with less distractions, with highly specialized staff, and a lower price than the same procedure done at a hospital.

  • Does the procedure require overnight stay?

    Typically, no, our heart surgeon in Carlsbad, NM will not require you to stay overnight. Although, ASCs are approved to keep patients for up to 24 hours as needed.

  • Does Advanced ASC of Carlsbad NM do emergency procedures?

    No, our heart surgeon in Carlsbad, NM only provides scheduled, elective procedures. According to the CDC, 805,000 people in the U.S. have a heart attack every year. If you're one of the thousands struggling with a heart condition, reach out today.

  • Does Advanced ASC of Carlsbad NM work with you on payment options? How will I know how much I owe for my procedure?

    Yes, transparency is a core principle of our heart surgeon in Carlsbad, NM with everything from financial planning to understanding your procedure. When the provider orders a procedure and you decide to have it at our facility, a financial counselor will work with you immediately to help achieve the most cost effective, realistic option for meeting your procedural healthcare needs.

  • What should I bring with me to my procedure?

    Our staff will review everything from times, medications, and necessities to bring or do prior to your procedure with the heart surgeon Carlsbad, NM relies on.

  • Will I be able to drive home after my ambulatory procedure?

    No, especially if you receive any pain medications during the procedure. We will work with you when assistance is needed. Call us today to schedule an appointment with the heart surgeon Carlsbad, NM residents depend on.

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